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We know God has good things planned for you!

Whether you are just curious about Jesus, or have been a believer for many years, we want to help you grow deeper in your relationship with God.




We all have a God shaped vacuum in our hearts that only God can fill.  We try to fill it with people, possessions, giving, or being good.  But none of this fulfills us. Only He can truly satisfy the longing in your heart.  The Good News is that you CAN have a personal relationship with the God of the Universe! 


The Bible teaches that we were created in God’s image (Genesis 1:26-27).  God is three persons (the Father, His Son, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit) existing as one God in constant community with each other.  This means that we were also created for community, for an unbroken relationship of love, with God first and foremost, but also with each other.  Being in relationship with God and with one another is at the heart of our created purpose.  It’s our reason for living and what brings us true joy and satisfaction

in life!


The first of our ancestors, Adam and Eve, blew it! They broke fellowship with God by disobeying Him and eating  fruit from the one tree in the Garden they were told not to eat from.  And in that one act of disobedience the curse of sin fell upon the world (Romans 5:12).  Under that curse, we have all “sinned and fall short of the glory (or standard) of God.” (Romans 3:23).  As a result, we are all dead in our sins (Romans 6:23).  We are eternally separated from God.


Fortunately God didn’t leave us to ourselves and spiritually dead.  Because of His passionate love for us, Jesus Christ came down to earth, “became flesh and dwelt among us” (John 1:14). Thirty-three years later, He willingly died on the cross, paying the penalty for our sins, breaking the curse, and defeating death through His resurrection (Galatians 3:13).  This one act creates the opportunity for us  to be restored to a right relationship with God, and to live as He originally intended. 

(1 Peter 3:8).

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